How to Get the Best Rates on Health Insurance in Louisiana

 Health insurance is expensive - but fortunately for you, it can be a lot less expensive if you'll just make use of one or more of the suggestions in this article.

One thing you can do is to make a conscious decision to eat healthier and to get more exercise. This isn't really as hard as you might think. It does mean staying away from fast food and fried food most of the time and it does mean eating more fresh fruit and fresh vegetables - but once you give it a try you'll find that it isn't anywhere near as bad as you thought it would be.

Also, get some exercise. No, this doesn't mean you have to join a gym and it doesn't mean you need to buy some expensive gizmo from a TV infomercial. Exercising can be as simple as walking around the block - or joining a group that walks the local mall in the mornings. It can mean riding your bike to the post office and elsewhere whenever possible rather than jumping in your car. It can mean riding bikes to school with your kids in the morning rather than putting them on the bus or driving them to school.

Pay your premium each month automatically from your checking or savings account. If you set up an automatic payment then your company will pass the savings they receive on to you.

Don't smoke - and don't use chew. If you're serious about saving money on your health insurance then you're going to have to be serious about giving up on all tobacco products.

Unfortunately, if you're overweight then you're also going to have to get serious about losing at least a few pounds. Your medical premium will be at least partly based on your BMI (Body Mass Index) and if you can lose at least a few pounds you might just slip into a lower BMI ranking and if that happens it could, conceivably, save you hundreds of dollars each and every year.

If you routinely take part in extreme or dangerous sports or hobbies you won't get the best rates on your monthly premium.

Did you know that the car you drive has an effect on how much you pay? If you drive a sports car or a fast muscle car your rates can be considerably higher.

Can you find lower-cost group coverage? A group policy is almost always less expensive than individual health coverage. If your place of work doesn't have a group plan ask around at any clubs, organizations or groups or associations that you or anyone you know belongs to. If you can find a group or a club that offers its members low-cost group coverage - join!


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